In this next amazing edition of "tips for V6":
- Layer Properties
- Re-ordering layers by drag and drop, and using shortcuts
- Moving a layer to front / back
- Removing layers
- Example: making a green screen talking head backdrop
- Making sense of the layers dropdown (screens, video inputs, audio inputs, other)
Layers are the basis for all composition in V6. For the aged among you, they act like an overhead projector. For the younger among you, do a google search :)
Layers act top down. A layer on top shows on top of those layers below it.
Layer Properties
General / Common properties
- Opacity
- Background
- Masks
Camera properties
I'll make the camera full size so you can see the mask better
- AI Person Mask & Speed
Audio Properties
Well, volume, that's it really!
Moving Layers
Again, layers are arranged "top down". Layers towards the top of the list sit on top of layer below. That's true visually as well. If I move the Background layer to the top, it covers everything else.
Drag & Drop
Instead of using menu commands, you can just drag&drap a layer where you want it. I'll drag the background to the topmost position, so it covers everything.
<let me undo that, so we can continue>
Front -> Back
To move a layer to the top/bottom, use the Move to Front / Move to Back context menu commands. These are available by right clicking a layer, or choosing them from the Arrange menu.
We'll move the background back to where it was, by choosing Move to Back.
Layer by Layer
To move by just one position, use the Move Forward / Move Backward commands. These also have shortcuts (CMD-Arrow Up, CMD-Arrow Down).
Lets move the background to the top again, this time by using Move Forward twice. We can either undo that (CMD-Z twice), or use Move Backward twice.
Notice that when we do this, the layer list updates. You can see the layer moving in the list.
Removing Layers
To remove a layer:
- Select it
To select, click the icon of the layer, otherwise you might end up trying to rename it. - Press the delete key (or choose the Delete item from the Edit menu)
Example: Create a green screen
Lets use layers to create a green screen "talking head" shot. This is what I used for some parts of the V6 videos.
- Create a new preset, and name it "Talking Head"
- Add an Empty layer, and make it full screen.
- Add a Single Color background, and make that full green.
- Add a camera layer
- Change the size & position of the camera, and enable AI Person Mask
Example usage using FCPX:
- Import the green screen into your video editor, e.g: FCPX
- Add a Green Screen Keyer effect to the video.
Done! Now you have a transparent talking head :)
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