For more information on what iShowU Audio Capture is and why you might want to keep it installed, check out this article.
- Open your Applications folder and find the Uninstall iShowU Audio Capture app. If you can't find the Uninstall iShowU Audio Capture app, reinstall iShowU Audio Capture by following the instructions in this article, then run the uninstaller app.
- Run the app and click Yes. You will need to enter your password to complete the uninstallation.
- When the installation is finished, you should see a success message. If you do not, or if you see an error message, please contact shinywhitebox support.
Manual Uninstall
Delete the following:
/Library/Extensions/iShowU Audio Capture.kext; or
/System/Library/Extensions/iShowU Audio Capture.kext
Catalina onwards, it's only in /Library/Extensions/iShowU Audio Capture.kext.
In older installs, it could be in either of the locations.
Still there?
Try this, from terminal:
sudo kextcache --clear-staging
Still there? really? Use 'mdfind'
If the driver persists in System Preferences | Sound, it *has* to be on disk, somewhere.
From Terminal; do a:
mdfind -name 'iShowU Audio Capture.kext'
to find where it could be. Remove ALL of the found .kext's.
Catalina Specific
If it's in /System/Library/Extensions, you must boot into recovery mode to perform the commands below. /System/Library/Extensions is write protected when running as a normal user; and you will not be able to remove the driver.
To enter recovery mode: (look for 'macOS Recovery')
Note: this requires some technical expertise.
Important: On Catalina, it will not be just "/System/Library/Extensions".
You need to do a df to find the appropriate folder, and delete it from there. In my test system mine was /Volumes/Catalina SSD (it was on an external drive).
So for me, I was removing from "/Volumes/Catalina SSD/System/Library/Extensions/iShowU Audio Capture.kext".
How to Remove
Note: the quotation marks (double quotes) are important in the terminal commands listed below. DO copy/paste these if you don't know terminal that well.
This can be done from terminal using an administrator account.
- First find the file. Try doing:
ls -ald "/System/Library/Extensions/iShowU Audio Capture.kext" - If you get "No such file or directory", try the next path.
ls -ald "/Library/Extensions/iShowU Audio Capture.kext"
Here's what it looks like when you find it:
Now that you know where it is, you can remove it using sudo rm -rf "<path here>".
- sudo rm -rf "/Library/Extensions/iShowU Audio Capture.kext"
You will be prompted for your account password. When you enter it nothing will show on screen. That's normal for a terminal session. Enter the pwd and hit enter, if successful you'll see ... not very much.
Use the up arrow key to do the ls command again. You know it's gone when you get "No such file or directory" back. Here's a quick animated GIF of the process.
when i try to uninstall its giving me this error message:
sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 504, should be 0
sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin
sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 504, should be 0
sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin (1)
I'm using Mojave. please help me to re install it. My Serato is not recognising this app . and I can't uninstall it. why this is so difficult . please help
For anyone else struggling with this. Remember to remove the Multi-Output Device from your AUDIO Midi Setup app if you added any e.g. while following any of the tutorials related to OBS and capturing desktop audio.
For anyone else who may be having trouble with this. Remember to remove the Multi-Output Device from your AUDIO Midi Setup program if you added any while following any of the tutorials word hurdle connected to OBS and collecting desktop audio. For example, if you added any while following any of the OBS-related instructions on capturing desktop audio.
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