First; lets uninstall the SWB Audio Capture driver.
- Start the app
- Go to the app menu, and if enabled, choose "Uninstall SWB Audio Capture"
- Quit the app
If you have already unstalled the app, see: Uninstalling SWB Audio Capture
Delete the following app folders & App
- /Users/<you>/Library/Application Support/iShowU Instant
- /Users/<you>/Library/Preferences/com.shinywhitebox.iShowU-Instant.plist
- Finally, delete the app from /Applications (move to Trash)
Where you see "/Users/<you>/..." above, means "insert your home folder name (username) here".
For me (my home folder is called "neil"), that means I would remove:
- /Users/neil/Library/Application Support/iShowU Instant
- (and repeat, for the second item as well, keeping in mind its in a slightly different location)
You can do this in Finder in a couple of ways:
Method One
- Open Finder
- Press Shift-CMD-. (shift-command-dot) to show hidden files & folders
- From there you'll see a greyed out Library folder, you can navigate down that to get to iShowU Instant, i.e:
- Click on Library
- Then click on Application Support
- Then click on iShowU Instant
- Then select and remove/trash everything in that folder.
- Press Shift-CMD-. again to hide hidden files/folders
Method Two
- Open Finder
- Press shift-cmd-g (wihch opens a dialog that lets you type a path in)
- Begin typing ~/Library/Application S... (~ means 'my home folder')
- Note that Finder will begin autocompleting for you. It'll likely show "Users > neil > Library > Application Support > ..."
- iShow Instant may even appear on the list, and if it does, select it and press Enter
Finally, select everything in that folder and remove/trash it
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