In the unfortunate event of an iShowU HD crash, or if a recording "goes bad", iShowU HD can perform a recovery. Normally this process is entirely automatic, but if it's not doing what you expect, you can attempt a forced recovery using the following process.
This process is valid for movies recorded with iShowU HD / iShowU HD Pro under Leopard / Snow Leopard only. There is unfortunately no recording recovery solution for OS X 10.7+.
- For this process, begin with iShowU HD closed. That is, iShowU HD should not be running.
- You should ensure you are using the latest build of the product.
- Backup the folder /Users/username/Movies/iShowU HD (the folder where movies are saved). Keep this safe. The next stage of this process involves deleting files, which is why you should do a backup.
- Inside the /Users/username/Movies/iShowU HD folder you may have a bunch of files, and a Temporary folder. Delete all the movies, but leave Temporary folder alone. Don't delete the Temporary folder.
- Delete the /Users/username/Library/Application and the Support/iShowUHD/iShowURecordings.xml file.
- Start iShowU HD.
At this point you should have an almost empty/Users/username/Movies/iShowU HD folder. It should contain no movies, and a Temporary folder. Inside the temporary folder should be a bunch of files (these are the files we're going to recover).
The recovery process should now start.
I am having a little trouble and this article was very helpful to me. It's worked basket random.
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@connections game: The process is specifically mentioned to be valid only for recordings made with iShowU HD/iShowU HD Pro under Leopard or Snow Leopard operating systems.
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